Today one of my application server got rebooted automatically due to insufficient memory.When we tried to start weblogic ,we were getting below exception in logs.
"Reason: [Store:280105]The persistent file store "UMSJMSFileStore_auto_2" cannot open file UMSJMSFILESTORE_AUTO_2000000.DAT.> Error from fcntl() for file locking, Resource temporarily unavailable, errno=11"
We need to do below steps to start weblogic.
1. From your[DOMAIN] directory (and below) find and move all *.DAT files
mkdir /tmp/bkup
export BKUP_DIR=/tmp/bkup
find . -name *.DAT
find . -name *.DAT -exec mv -t $BKUP_DIR {} \;
2. Find and move all lok files in a similar method
find . -name *.lok
find . -name *.lok -exec mv -t $BKUP_DIR {} \;
3. In case if you configured JMS,we need to remove *.DAT files from the jms location as well.We have SOA managed server with clustering.our second node got we need to find the files which contains *AUTO_2000000* in name and move
cd /u01/oracle/config/domains/soa_domain
find . -name *AUTO_2000000*
find . -name *AUTO_2000000* -exec mv -t $BKUP_DIR {} \;
4.Mostly persistent store location will be inside domain_home.But in our case(SOA) we stored it in the different we had to move the *.DAT file from default persistent stores location.
cd /u01/oracle/config/domains/soa_domain
find . -name _WLS*2000000*DAT
find . -name _WLS*2000000*DAT -exec mv -t $BKUP_DIR {} \;
5.Now try to start Weblogic,Hopefully it will start.
"Reason: [Store:280105]The persistent file store "UMSJMSFileStore_auto_2" cannot open file UMSJMSFILESTORE_AUTO_2000000.DAT.> Error from fcntl() for file locking, Resource temporarily unavailable, errno=11"
We need to do below steps to start weblogic.
1. From your[DOMAIN] directory (and below) find and move all *.DAT files
mkdir /tmp/bkup
export BKUP_DIR=/tmp/bkup
find . -name *.DAT
find . -name *.DAT -exec mv -t $BKUP_DIR {} \;
2. Find and move all lok files in a similar method
find . -name *.lok
find . -name *.lok -exec mv -t $BKUP_DIR {} \;
3. In case if you configured JMS,we need to remove *.DAT files from the jms location as well.We have SOA managed server with clustering.our second node got we need to find the files which contains *AUTO_2000000* in name and move
cd /u01/oracle/config/domains/soa_domain
find . -name *AUTO_2000000*
find . -name *AUTO_2000000* -exec mv -t $BKUP_DIR {} \;
4.Mostly persistent store location will be inside domain_home.But in our case(SOA) we stored it in the different we had to move the *.DAT file from default persistent stores location.
cd /u01/oracle/config/domains/soa_domain
find . -name _WLS*2000000*DAT
find . -name _WLS*2000000*DAT -exec mv -t $BKUP_DIR {} \;
5.Now try to start Weblogic,Hopefully it will start.
Thanks and it helped. In addition - for multi-node env. remove all DAT and lok files ( these are created at the time APPS are started.